Interview Carina Franck | Kalahari


Carina Franck

"go where you are celebrated, and happiness will find you there".

In november lanceerde Kalahari in Nederland een nieuw product en een nieuwe behandeling, de Glassglow behandeling. Een weekend vol workshops. Enthousiaste beauty professionals die met veel inspiratie en kennis overgoten werden door Carina Franck en Maria Hofmann-Griessel. Op uitnodiging van Petra van Iterson, CEO & founder House of African Beauty mocht ik hierbij aanwezig zijn.

Carina je bent opgegroeid op een boerderij in de Kalahari woestijn. Was deze periode kenmerkend voor het ontstaan van Kalahari?

Carina you grew up on a farm in the Kalahari desert. Was this period characteristic of the emergence of Kalahari?

Growing up on a farm in the Kalahari desert has definitely shaped and defined me as a person as well as the brand that I have created. Our childhood experiences always shape us, and being creative was definitely the main lesson I learned. In many ways, creativity has become the new PhD* that companies are looking for.

Enkele jaren geleden besloot je het roer om te gooien en heb je je eerdere bedrijf Nimue verkocht. Hoe voelde dat?

A few years ago you decided to change course and sold your previous company Nimue. How did that feel?

When you have developed and grown a brand, there is always a big chunk of your heart that goes with it. But I knew that sometimes you have to let go of something to make space for something new. By letting go of Nimue, I made space for my daughter as well as for Kalahari. Kalahari is so versatile, and at the rate that it is growing I would not have been able to manage both.

Wat is jouw droom voor de toekomst van Kalahari?

What is your dream for the future of Kalahari?

I always say, "you have to dream big, but your dreams will not work if you don't work". We are very excited for 2020 and beyond as we are working on new products as well as conquering new territories. As a brand you always have to be innovative and cutting edge and that is one of our strong brand characteristics. My message to people is always: If your dreams don't scare you, they are not big enough!

Wat maakt Kalahari uniek?

What makes Kalahari unique?

That is a big question! As a brand we see ourselves as multi-faceted: Skincare, and looking after your body must become a lifestyle. The results that we deliver make us stand out from other brands. We believe that you should have healthy skin and not sabotage your own skin with the overuse of ingredients and different products.


Wat is de belangrijkste waarde die je wilt doorgeven aan je dochter?

What is the most important value that you want to pass on to your daughter?

I want to instill compassion and empathy in her heart and mind. I think a lot of younger people lack empathy towards life, people and animals making it a very lonely world for them. I am teaching her the art of giving and I can see what joy it brings to her to help others.

Met Kalahari Lifestyle begeleid je vrouwen naar een andere levensstijl. Hoe bereik je dat?

With Kalahari Lifestyle you guide women to a different lifestyle. How do you achieve that?

Our lifestyles are so busy and time has definitely become a commodity. Kalahari was created for women to effortlessly adopt a lifestyle where they can achieve healthy skin and bodies. At the same time, you can give back to less fortunate communities, making giving back easy! Super women!

Je hebt veel ervaring in de skincare industrie op alle niveau's. De focus ligt op natuurlijk en plantaardig. Hoe vertaalt zich dat in de producten van Kalahari?

You have a lot of experience in the skincare industry at all levels. The focus is on natural and plantbased. How does that translate into Kalahari products?

As I have a deep-seated passion and understanding of botanical plants it was one of my core focuses to compound ancient plant extracts and oils with high-tech scientifically-made ingredients. It is a fine balance to merge the two extremes, and that is part of our success when it comes to the results we achieve.

Het klinkt misschien gek, maar naarmate ik ouder word, leer ik steeds meer naar mezelf te luisteren. Wat kunnen we leren van de Afrikaanse cultuur?

It may sound strange, but as I get older, I learn to listen to myself more and more. What can we learn from African culture?

Sir Laurence van der Post captured the African culture with this quote. “The Bushmen in the Kalahari Desert talk about the two "hungers"; there is the Great Hunger and there is the Little Hunger. The Little Hunger wants food for the belly; but the Great Hunger, the greatest hunger of all, is the hunger for meaning".

Inmiddels zijn er al veel Nederlandse en Belgische salons die de behandelingen en producten van Kalahari aanbieden in hun salon. Wat biedt Kalahari de salons?

There are already many Dutch and Belgian salons offering Kalahari treatments and products in their salon. What does Kalahari offer the salons?

Kalahari offers the complete package. We are multi-faceted in our approach, where our Salon/Clinic Owners becomes part of a true lifestyle as well as our partners in our humanitarian initiatives. One of our most outstanding offerings is that we are giving back to communities through the upliftment of people. Our visible treatment results is the talk of the town, our recyclable packaging, being "price-perfect" and our innovative treatment approach have made us the fastest growing brand in Netherlands over the last two years!

Wat betekent intens geluk voor jou?

What does intense happiness mean to you?

Happiness is when you are feeling content. When i was younger, big "stuff" made me happy and now the smallest "things" and moments are what makes me happiest. An unconditional hug from my daughter, sitting around the fire looking up at the bright stars, the silence of nature and being spiritually peaceful. My motto is always, "go where you are celebrated, and happiness will find you there".

*PhD = doctoraat


Interview & fotografie, video: Miranda Koevoets

Dank aan Carina Franck | CEO & Founder Kalahari Lifestyle International & Petra van Iterson

Facebook Kalahari Nederland, Instagram,

Heb je interesse om dit mooie merk in je salon aan te bieden? Neem dan vrijblijvend contact op met Petra van Iterson van House of African Beauty. Klik hier voor de contactinfo.

Distributie Benelux: Petra van Iterson | House of African Beauty


Carina & Petra

Kalahari & House of African Beauty



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